Celebrant Wedding Ceremonies
There’s nothing quite like experiencing a wedding ceremony that is being led by a celebrant. When a couple have got the legal paperwork out of the way before the wedding the whole day takes on a new dimension. If you want to have a relaxed day with minimal stress, having a celebrant led ceremony is just about the single best way to achieve this. Registrars come in a variety of shapes and sizes: some are dour and formal, some are fun and chilled, most are a bit of a mix and it’s a bit of a lucky dip as to which type of personality you get turning up on the day. Karen & Bob from the local council are there primarily to dot the i’s and cross the t’s. They have strict rules about what you can and can’t do and you have to say all the right words – don’t fluff your lines! They could well have another ceremony to conduct that day so could be pushed for time. It brings a level of formality to the day, which can cause a little bit of nerves before the ceremony. The most chilled morning prep rooms I’ve been in have always been the ones on the morning of a celebrant led ceremony. There’s no strangers about to turn up asking you if you definitely are who you say you are. How many people picture their wedding day and think of two people they’ve never met popping in for an hour to get you to fill out some paperwork and tick all the right boxes? Choosing a celebrant guarantees who’s leading your ceremony so you can shape it exactly as you’d like, with no restrictions or requirements.
Celebrants work closely with the couple to get to know them and understand exactly what kind of feel they are going for with their ceremony. They will craft a ceremony to the couple’s wishes and customise their vows to suit each person. This really brings out the emotions of the day and the most emotional and personal ceremonies I’ve photographed have always been ones where the couple have chosen a celebrant to lead their ceremony.
Last year I had the pleasure of working with Rosina at a beautiful outdoor ceremony at Birtsmorton Court in Worcestershire. I asked her why she thinks celebrant led ceremonies are so good.
“Choosing a celebrant led ceremony is the ultimate way for a couple to personalise their wedding. You get to create a “not off the peg” ceremony with someone who is as excited about your love story as you are! I work with my couples to create one off ceremonies that truly reflect who they are, where they have come from and dream together of where they may go. I craft your story, co-ordinate the writing of personalised vows, advise on readings and all the little details, help plot surprises, arrange sing-a-longs and always aim to kickstart your day how you mean it to go on!”
Below are a selection of images from wedding ceremonies which are conducted by a celebrant. These have always been ceremonies filled with laughter, tears and real emotions. As a photographer I get a bit more freedom to move around and get more interesting and varied compositions as there’s no restriction imposed by the registrar.
If you like the idea of your wedding day being captured in a way which truly documents the entire occasion and allows you to feel what it’s like to be there all over again please get in touch.
Links to the celebrants I’ve worked with over the past few years and who’s ceremonies are in these pictures:
If you like the idea of your wedding day being captured in a way which truly documents the entire occasion and allows you to feel what it’s like to be there all over again please get in touch.
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